
Forgot your sign-in link, name or password? Submit your account's email address below to receive a sign-in link and name reminder and a temporary link to reset your password.


  1. Submit your email address into the Forgot Password form. Use the email address that is associated with your account.
  2. Check your email inbox. If you do not see an email within several minutes, please check your spam folder as well.
  3. Click the password reset link included in the email.
  4. Choose a new password and save.

Note: If the password reset link in the email does not work, it may have expired. Please request a new password reset link and try to complete your reset within the following 3 hours.

  1. Once you have logged in, click on "Settings" in the top right corner of your screen.
  2. How do I know if my account is activated?
  3. Click on "Change Password".
  4. Enter your current password.
  5. How do I know if my account is activated?
  6. Choose your new password.
You will receive an email welcoming you to your program with a login link.
As per our privacy statement, our service representative cannot view user passwords. The password reset email will be sent to the email address registered to your account.
For security reasons, your password reset link will be sent to the email address registered to your account. Only people who have access to that email can change the account password.
The password reset email contains this sign-in link along with additional information to help you access your account.

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